2008년 10월 21일

이맥스 프레임 빨리 바꾸기

빠른 답변: other-frame 함수가 C-x 5 o로 바인딩되어 있습니다만, 그것에 대하여 얘기하고자 하는 것은 아닙니다.

저는 코드 작성할 때 키보드에서 다른 곳으로 집중을 빼앗기는 것을 싫어합니다. 전, 키보드와 마우스를 넘나들면서도 남들보다 빨리 코딩할 자신이 없습니다.

그래서 될 수 있으면 마우스를 안 쓰려고 하는데, 그건 쥐들이 싫어서 그런 것이 아니라 키보드로 코드 쓰는 것이 제일 편하기 때문입니다. 키보드 없이 코딩하는 것을 좋아하시는 분이 있을지도 모르겠습니다. (그치만, 음성 인식 시스템으로 펄 코딩하는 비디오 보셨나요?)

어쨌든 저는 그놈 작업 공간 하나에 이맥스 프레임을 6개 올려 놓고 사용합니다. 이맥스 프레임이라는 것이 X 상에서는 창이지요. 그리고 알트 탭 신공으로는 창 바꾸기가 너무 힘듭니다. 전 알트 탭 신공에 능하지 않아서 알트를 누르고 있으면서 탭을 몇 번 눌러야 제가 원하는 창으로 갈 수 있는지를 모릅니다. 어떤 분은 한번에 10개 이상 창을 띄워 놓고 작업하시더라구요.

웹에 찾아보니까 Joseph Perla라는 분의 방법을 이용할 수 있겠더라구요. 아주 재미있는 방법인데, 제가 창을 옮길 때마다 코드를 수정하고 싶지는 않더라구요.

특정 방향에 있는 프레임으로 옮기면 정말 좋을 것 같다고 생각했죠. X 윈도 시스템을 좀 더 파 볼까 생각했지만, 어차피 화면에 놓여 있는 창들은 모두 이맥스 프레임인데, ELisp으로 짜는 것이 더 낫고, 더 재미있겠다고 생각했습니다.

그걸 하기 위한 이맥스 코드를 작성했습니다. 슈퍼키+왼쪽 화살표로 왼쪽에 있는 가장 가까운 이맥스 프레임(창)으로 이동합니다. 다른 화살표도 마찬가지.

ELisp 코드

아래 코드를 복사해서 붙인 다음 ELisp 코드를 두는 곳에 저장하세요.

;; directed-switch-to-frame.el -- Switching to frames with direction.

;; Keywords: frame, direction

;; Move 4 direction to switch emacs frames.

(defun cartesian-to-polar (cartesian)
  "Convert cartesian coordinate to polar coordinate."
  (let ((x (float (car cartesian))) (y (float (cdr cartesian))))
     (sqrt (+ (* x x) (* y y)))
     (cond ((and (= x 0) (> y 0)) (* pi 0.5))
           ((and (= x 0) (< y 0)) (* pi 1.5))
           ((< x 0) (+ (atan (/ y x)) pi))
           ((and (> x 0) (< y 0)) (+ (atan (/ y x)) (* pi 2)))
           ((> x 0) (atan (/ y x)))
           (t nil)))))

(defun switch-to-frame-with-direction (dir-in-deg var-in-deg next)
  "Switch to frame with direction with variation."
  (let ((f (sort (delq nil
                       (let ((list-of-frames (mapcar (lambda (each-frame)
                                                       (cons each-frame
                                                             (cons (+ (frame-parameter each-frame 'left)
                                                                      (/ (frame-pixel-width each-frame) 2))
                                                                   (+ (frame-parameter each-frame 'top)
                                                                      (/ (frame-pixel-height each-frame) 2)))))
                                                     (cons (selected-frame) 
                                                           (delete-if (lambda (item)
                                                                        (or (eq (selected-frame) item)
                                                                            (eq nil (frame-parameter item 'window-id))))
                             (dir-in-rad (degrees-to-radians (mod dir-in-deg 360)))
                             (var-in-rad (degrees-to-radians (mod var-in-deg 360))))
                          (lambda (each-frame)
                            (let ((polar (cartesian-to-polar (cons (- (cadr each-frame) (cadr (car list-of-frames)))
                                                                   (- (cddr each-frame) (cddr (car list-of-frames)))))))
                              (when (or (not (numberp (cdr polar)))
                                        (< (- (* 2 pi) (abs (- (cdr polar) dir-in-rad))) var-in-rad)
                                        (< (abs (- (cdr polar) dir-in-rad)) var-in-rad))
                                (cons (car each-frame) polar))))
                          (cdr list-of-frames))))
                 (lambda (a b)
                   (or (not (numberp (cddr b)))
                       (and (numberp (cddr a))
                            (< (cadr a) (cadr b))))))))
    (cond ((not f) nil)
          ((cddar f) (x-focus-frame (caar f)))
          (t (while (not (memq (selected-frame) (mapcar 'car f)))
               (other-frame next))))))

(defun switch-to-right-frame ()
  (switch-to-frame-with-direction 0 60 -1))

(defun switch-to-down-frame ()
  (switch-to-frame-with-direction 90 60 -1))

(defun switch-to-left-frame ()
  (switch-to-frame-with-direction 180 60 1))

(defun switch-to-up-frame ()
  (switch-to-frame-with-direction 270 60 1))

(provide 'directed-switch-to-frame)

죄송합니다만, 아직 ELisp 코드를 잘 짜는 것은 아닙니다.

키 바인딩

다음 코드를 이맥스 설정 파일인 .emacs에 넣습니다.

;; Moving between frames
(when (load "directed-switch-to-frame")
  (global-set-key [s-left] 'switch-to-left-frame)
  (global-set-key [s-right] 'switch-to-right-frame)
  (global-set-key [s-up] 'switch-to-up-frame)
  (global-set-key [s-down] 'switch-to-down-frame))

되는지 해 볼까요?

이맥스를 새로 시작하고 C-x 5 2를 눌러서 프레임을 여러 개 만듭니다. 보통 슈퍼키는 윈도키로 바인딩 되어 있으므로 윈도키를 누른 상태에서 방향키를 눌러보세요. 잘 되나요?

이맥스 창으로만 움직일 수 있습니다. 그리고 다른 이맥스 인스턴스의 프레임으로는 이동할 수 없습니다.

만약에 프레임의 중심 좌표가 정확하게 겹친 상태에서 프레임이 없는 방향으로 이동하라고 한다면 겹쳐진 창을 순환시킬 수 있습니다. 전체 화면 프레임들을 여러 개 겹쳐 놓고 작업하는 상황에서 유용하게 쓸 수 있습니다. 알트 탭을 누르는 것보다 더 빨리 움직일 수 있습니다. 반대쪽 방향을 누르면 반대로 순환합니다.

Switch Emacs Frames Quickly

Quick answer: Function other-frame is bound to C-x 5 o. But I'm not talking about it.

I don't like to lose focus on my keyboard when I write code. I'm not effective enough to work well while switching between keyboard and mouse.

So I try not to use mouse if possible, not because I hate mice but I can write code easier with keyboard only. Someone may prefer to write code without keyboard though. (But has anybody here watched the video about writing perl code with voice recognition system?)

Anyway, I open about 6 emacs frames–which are windows of X– in a single GNOME workspace. And it's very hard to switch between frames with Alt-Tabs. I don't know how many Tabs with Alt key pressed I need for switching to my desired frame. I saw someone open more than 10 frames at a time.

I searched and found Joseph Perla's solution. His solution was very interesting, but I'd rather not change source code whenever I move window positions.

I thought it would be great if I could switch to the frame on some direction. I could research X Window system more, but I chose ELisp for that, because every window on the screen was Emacs frame and I enjoyed learning ELisp.

Well, this is ELisp code to make it possible. I bound super-left key to switch to the nearest frame on the left side of the current frame, and so on.

ELisp Code

You can copy and paste the following code and save it to your ELisp place.

;; directed-switch-to-frame.el -- Switching to frames with direction.

;; Keywords: frame, direction

;; Move 4 direction to switch emacs frames.

(defun cartesian-to-polar (cartesian)
  "Convert cartesian coordinate to polar coordinate."
  (let ((x (float (car cartesian))) (y (float (cdr cartesian))))
     (sqrt (+ (* x x) (* y y)))
     (cond ((and (= x 0) (> y 0)) (* pi 0.5))
           ((and (= x 0) (< y 0)) (* pi 1.5))
           ((< x 0) (+ (atan (/ y x)) pi))
           ((and (> x 0) (< y 0)) (+ (atan (/ y x)) (* pi 2)))
           ((> x 0) (atan (/ y x)))
           (t nil)))))

(defun switch-to-frame-with-direction (dir-in-deg var-in-deg next)
  "Switch to frame with direction with variation."
  (let ((f (sort (delq nil
                       (let ((list-of-frames (mapcar (lambda (each-frame)
                                                       (cons each-frame
                                                             (cons (+ (frame-parameter each-frame 'left)
                                                                      (/ (frame-pixel-width each-frame) 2))
                                                                   (+ (frame-parameter each-frame 'top)
                                                                      (/ (frame-pixel-height each-frame) 2)))))
                                                     (cons (selected-frame) 
                                                           (delete-if (lambda (item)
                                                                        (or (eq (selected-frame) item)
                                                                            (eq nil (frame-parameter item 'window-id))))
                             (dir-in-rad (degrees-to-radians (mod dir-in-deg 360)))
                             (var-in-rad (degrees-to-radians (mod var-in-deg 360))))
                          (lambda (each-frame)
                            (let ((polar (cartesian-to-polar (cons (- (cadr each-frame) (cadr (car list-of-frames)))
                                                                   (- (cddr each-frame) (cddr (car list-of-frames)))))))
                              (when (or (not (numberp (cdr polar)))
                                        (< (- (* 2 pi) (abs (- (cdr polar) dir-in-rad))) var-in-rad)
                                        (< (abs (- (cdr polar) dir-in-rad)) var-in-rad))
                                (cons (car each-frame) polar))))
                          (cdr list-of-frames))))
                 (lambda (a b)
                   (or (not (numberp (cddr b)))
                       (and (numberp (cddr a))
                            (< (cadr a) (cadr b))))))))
    (cond ((not f) nil)
          ((cddar f) (x-focus-frame (caar f)))
          (t (while (not (memq (selected-frame) (mapcar 'car f)))
               (other-frame next))))))

(defun switch-to-right-frame ()
  (switch-to-frame-with-direction 0 60 -1))

(defun switch-to-down-frame ()
  (switch-to-frame-with-direction 90 60 -1))

(defun switch-to-left-frame ()
  (switch-to-frame-with-direction 180 60 1))

(defun switch-to-up-frame ()
  (switch-to-frame-with-direction 270 60 1))

(provide 'directed-switch-to-frame)

Sorry, I'm not good at writing ELisp code yet.

Key binding

I put the following code to my .emacs file.

;; Moving between frames
(when (load "directed-switch-to-frame")
  (global-set-key [s-left] 'switch-to-left-frame)
  (global-set-key [s-right] 'switch-to-right-frame)
  (global-set-key [s-up] 'switch-to-up-frame)
  (global-set-key [s-down] 'switch-to-down-frame))


Restart your emacs and open multiple frames with C-x 5 2. Usually the super key is bound to the Windows key. So try Win-Left, Win-Up, Win-Right, Win-Down to switch frames. Does it work?

It doesn't move to windows other than Emacs frames. And it doesn't move to Emacs frames of other emacs instances.

If center coords of frames are same, the focus cycles if there are no other frames on that direction. This is useful if you opened multiple full screen frames. You can switch more quickly than Alt-Tab. Opposite direction will cycle the opposite way. Isn't that cool? :)